Villa Comics

Pertosa’s Caves

Pertosa’s Caves

19/06/2015 • Under: Environs


The caves date back to 35 million years ago and are placed at the northern end of the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, about seventy kilometers from Salerno.

They are of great interest not only from a naturalistic point of view but also for its historical and archaeological interest.

Since 1932, the magnificent entrance concealed by thick vegetation has given the public access to approx. 3000 metres of paths that wind their way through the caves, of which the first part offers a fascinating and unusual boat trip on the river Negro which originates deep within the earth.

The large cavities of the caves are adorned with magnificent stalactites-stalagmites formations while in certain parts the ground is almost entirely invaded by magnificent hollow concretions filled with water. Visitors can experience the suggestive atmosphere by choosing one of the four guided tours.

They will enjoy a constant internal temperature of 60.8°F (16°C) all year round and always feel safe accompanied by expert guides. Two of the tracks enable visitors to savor the heady speleological experience of the caves just as nature created them. Dark and silence reign supreme in this world, where they have ruled for millennia.

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